Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday - 31MAR2010

We have a special treat for you guys today. Maria, CrossFit Hawaii Sectionals competitor, CrossFit Coach and all around firecracker is coming up to help us dial in some form for the WOD.

As Many Rounds As Possible(AMRAP) in 15 minutes:

5 Overhead Squat (OHS) (95/65lb.)
10 Knees to Elbows (bar or rings)
15 Back Extensions (GHD or on the bleachers)

Post rounds to comments.


  1. That us upsetting. Each move was easy, but I can't do K2Es fast. I always swing too much. That slowed me way down. Then I walked between stations. I had to do 20 minutes just to get anything out of this. I did tabata handstands to end the workout.

    8 very disappointing rounds.

  2. 1145 class went well. Maria started us out with some stretching and hip mobility, then broke down the workout and practice on OHS.

    Aaron 10 rds
    Mike 8 rds
    Rui ? rds
