Thursday, November 3, 2011

Friday - 4 NOV 11

Three rounds for time of:
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
95/65 pound Split-jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95/65 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds


Three rounds for time of:
75/55 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
75/55 pound Split-jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
75/55 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 15 pounds

Three rounds for time of:
55/45 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
55/45 pound Split-jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
55/45 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 10 pounds

Three rounds for time of:
20-30 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
10 Jumping or Beginner Pull-ups
20-30 pound Split-jerk, 10 reps
10 Knees to elbows
20-30 pound Hang clean, 10 reps
10 Back extensions

***Everyone: Do 3 rounds of Max L sits when finished.  Remember to stretch when you are done.


  1. Megan
    This was harder than expected.
    45# OHS (wrist was not happy today)
    Kipping pull-ups plus L sit hold

  2. 30:04 - 65# with kipping pullups
