Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wednesday - 5MAY2010

3 rounds, 7-10 reps each:
Back Extensions (Explosive extension, drop down to bottom position slowly)
Jumping Pullups (Full extension at bottom, pull to armpits/chest at top)
Squat drops (From standing with feet under hips, snap feet to squat width and drop to full depth. Hold for a second or two and press up.)
Sampson stretch, 30 seconds each side at end of each round.

WOD (WMG Programming)
Squats reps
Medicine Ball Clean (20/14) reps
Push Press (95/65) reps
Row for calories

Post time to comments...


  1. WO 1 (0630): CrossFit Endurance - 3,2,1 Ladder
    3min on, 3min off, 2min on, 2min off, 1min on, 1min off,2min on, 2min off 3min on, Done.
    Distances: .42 mi, .31 mi, .17 mi, .28 mi, .42 mi

    hmm. 10:27? That doesn't bode well for me...

  2. 9:36 rx. Had a healthy discussion with Nate post-WOD about competition and it's ability to bring out that extra intensity in folks. I didn't catch Re'shon's time from the board.


  3. 11:37 rx'd.

    Re'shon's time was something like 14:16, if I remember correctly.
