Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday - 2 DEC 11

With partner
2 min max reps of wall climbs (both partners work for the full two minutes)
then immediately (w/o restarting timer) complete the following with your partner.  Only one person may be working at a time.
25 pistols alternating legs
35 pull-ups
45 push-ups
55 wallballs 20/12#
65 Deadlift 185/135#
75 Push Jerk 75/55#
85 Abmat sit-ups
95 Double unders

Post number of wall climbs and time to comments


  1. Megan
    done as Rx without a partner, 10# plate under heel for pistols
    46:38, 8 wall climbs

    Thanks for all the "gifts" ladies. Well except for you Heidi. I hate wall balls. I would re-gift those I could :)

  2. Nice job Nick. Thanks for giving me something to compare me 46 min to. I'm pretty happy with that.

  3. 54.18 RX no partner.
    All for you Megan.
    PS: I hate DU's
