Thursday, March 7, 2013


5 rounds
21 Burpees
50 feet of lunges with 45/25# plate overhead

5 rounds for time
21 Burpees
50ft walking lunges with 25/10# plate overhead

5 rounds for time
15 Burpees
50ft walking lunges 

OFFICIALLY CLASS IS CANCELLED TODAY!  If you still want to show up at 9:00am to workout together it would be highly encouraged :) Read through the comments for a few tips.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure your chest and thighs hit the floor on every burpee and your feet are off the ground when you clap overhead.
    For lunges, your back knee needs to touch the ground every rep and the plate must be overhead while you are doing lunges.
    Unless someone has a tape measure(which would be crazy!), pace out 25 steps at a normal walking stride and call that 50 feet. It will be close enough.
    REMEMBER ITS ALWAYS FOR TIME!!! Good luck and I'll see you Monday!

    Oh and this was last done 12OCT2012.
