Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday - 23APR2010

Friday = Track Day again! Get outside in the sun. I think there are two options for the pullups: back of the bleachers, or the soccer goals? Once again, I will be in class, but will be back next week. Have fun kids!

For Points.

800m Run
50 x Pull up
800m Run
100 x Sit up
800m Run
100 x Push up
800m Run

20:00 earns you 100pts, point added or subtracted for every 6 seconds from 20:00

Post score to comments.


  1. Wow, I suck. I felt like I went hard. I hung my rings over the goal post for pull-ups.


    A whopping 5 points.

  2. After yesterday I didn't feel like running today. I did the main site wod at 115 lbs (2 rds for time: 15 hang power cleans, 15 burpees); 9:04

  3. actually that was three rounds. I can't type.
