Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thursday - 29APR2010

2 rounds CrossFit Warmup
10 reps of pullups, dips, squats, back extensions, GHD situps
Add 5 pass throughs and 5 hand stand push ups per round.

Use 5 minutes to find your max box jump height.

WOD(Gymanstics, Weightlifting programming)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95/65lb.)

I'll make sure Maria is going to be there, but I should b e able to make it if she's not. Stay tuned on the Facebook page.
Let's see what the new KeKoa CrossFit Fran record is! I think if Matt shows up, it could be pretty low...


  1. Lower body strength (dynamic day): 14" box squats w/ blue bands. 135lbs 10 sets of doubles.

    WOD: My first Fran ever was almost 20 minutes. My last PR was 5:42 (OCT 09). Today, physically I had a sub 4 in me, but mentally I crapped out.

    4:33 (still a PR by over a minute)

  2. Not a bad rest day;

    Box jump: that tall black plyo box, plus three 25 lbs bumpers and a 10 lbs bumper.

    Fran: 8:36. Thrusters and wall-ball shots are my goats.
