Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday - 27APR2010

2 Rounds CrossFit warmup
10 reps of pullups, dips, squats, back extensions, situps then 30 seconds of Sampson Stretch

Front Squat

WOD (Weighlifting/Metcon programming):
AMRAP 20 minutes:
Row 250m
10 Overhead Squats (95/65lb.)

Post rounds to comments.


  1. APFT: 286 (80 pu - under a minute, no resting; 85 situps no rest, run 14:31); My best APFT since I've been in the Army--I'd say CrossFit works. I could stand to bring my run back down; I just started back up on CFE, so we'll see how that goes--last winter i was doing 2-mile TTs right around 14:00.

  2. Upper body Dynamic Day: 10 sets for max bar velocity. Each set is 1 press, 1 push press, 1 Push jerk. 75lbs plus purple bands (10-70lbs added resistance)

    WOD: 7 rounds

  3. Nate, I would agree! I find most of the nay sayers always look at the run time as the reason they don't do CrossFit, but I shaved over three minutes off my run and am down to 12:30's now. All with basic main site programming. I do like the CFE stuff though, and will absolutely use it prior to my next assignment. Those airborne units do love their running...
