Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday - 13APR2010

This one isn't fun, but it's neccessary to measure your ability in long, slow distances. So go out, and:

Run a 5K. Time yourself. If you aren't close to throwing up when you cross the finish line, you probably could have pushed yourself a little harder.

Make sure you keep this time written down, and the next time it comes up, I can almost promise you, you will get better.

Post time to comments...


  1. Here is a good one that begins and ends at the Health and Fitness center:

    Establishing one at Martinez would be good too.

  2. I need to work on my running. This time it took me 24:03. I did the exact same route in the beginning of March and it only took me 23:24.

  3. I decided to take your run and make it even tougher. Run Kole Kole Pass(a favorite of mine,Approx 5 mile run first half uphill, starting gradually into a vertical leg burner) 22:48 from Bowman Park to top Gate. 41:55 total back to Park. Sweet!

  4. Take Matt's time, add 10 minutes and thats what happens when I try to cover 5K without someone chasing me. At least thats what happened today. I was trying to figure out a way to post my time without posting my time.
