Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wednesday - 7APR2010

For time:

Row 500 meters
150 Double-unders
50 Burpees

This one should be fun with the one functioning rower we have at Martinez. I will try to get ahold of one of the other ones that were available. If not, we can sub a run for the row, and then tuck jumps for double unders. Regardless, we will warm up with jumping rope. Scaling the WOD will be by reps on a case by case basis, but I think everybody is capable of this.

Post time to comments



  1. As Rx'd. After the 500m row, I felt like I had a lead weight hanging off me. Great WOD. I wish I could have done it with the group to give me more motivation.


  2. 0630
    Aaron 15:26 RX'd

    Tammy 19:40 RX'd
    Jim 21:57

  3. As Rx'd; burpees really suck when it hurts to bend your back. (snivel) I was doing sets of five. But improving my double-unders would help, too. I second Matt's comment on group motivation.

  4. Friday should be fun. It looks like the group continues to expand.
