Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thursday - 22APR2010

We were going to do the 100 Inverted Burpees, but I decided to switch it up and get some main site love. Starting next week, we'll go to a more organized class structure with dictated warmups, skill or strength development, followed by a WOD and then a cooldown. May will be Strength bias, June will be skill bias and so on...

Five rounds for load and time of:
Back Squat, 3 reps
20 Ring dips

A word on picking your load for the Back Squat: I haven't seen this addressed, but I wouldn't go with your 3 rep max when you're rolling it into a metcon-y workout like this. Go heavy, but I would go with about 85-90% of your 3 rep max.

Post Load and Time to comments. Just for fun, lets say you subtract the weight, in total seconds from your time to get your "official" score. Ergo: 240 lb squats, total time 7:30. 240=4 minutes, so the "official" score would be 3:30. We'll try that and see how it works out. Maria will be coaching tomorrow, so it should be a fun one!


  1. I was feeling a little randy this morning so I switched out my strength with a second WOD. I did both the Squat/Dips and inverted burpees today.

    WOD #1: 225lbs Back Squat 8:25
    Convert to 4:40 (if my math is right)

    WOD #2: Inverted Burpees

  2. 0545: CrossFit Endurance WOD - "Tosh:"
    3x (200m + 400m + 600m)

    1145: once again, alone...
    today's WOD @ 225 lbs

    I intended it to be a difficult weight to complement the CFE from this morning, but 225 lbs was too much... and it really sucked. Apparently I have been slacking on my ring dips, too.

    Incidentally, I am planning to do the Hibiscus Half Marathon on 6 June, and I'll be adding CFE to my normal programming 1-2 times per week. If anyone wants to jump onboard, let me know.
