Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday - 28DEC2010

*day 50: Burpee Challenge*
don't forget to time today's burpees to compare to the time of your 25.

Tabata "Bottom to Bottom" Squat
Run 1 mile
Clock starts for run on rising from last squat.

Take two points off your score for each instance of the following “faults”:
1. Resting at the top. If you stop at all in the top position -2
2. Rounding back. If you round your back in the bottom position -2
3. Propping. If you use your hands or elbows to prop yourself in the down position or sit on your hamstrings -2
4. Chest falling forward - 2
5. Pushing through the toes-2

Do NOT count the rep if you fail:
1. Depth. If you don’t go below parallel -0
2. Extension. If you have do not fully extend your hips at the top -0
3. Extension. If you have do not fully extend your knees at the top -0
Conceivably you could get a zero here. Good form throughout is the ultimate goal.

scaling options
Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squat (6 rounds)
Run 1/2 mile

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