Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday- 5August2011

Three-woman relay
AMRAP 15 minutes
run 1 lap in the gym
push press 75/55#
Post the total number of squats and push press done by the team.

One person starts at each element.  When the runner finishes she tags the push presser and picks up the count.  The push presser rotates to squatting and picks up the squat count from the previous person.  The squatter then runs a lap and repeats the process.


  1. Renee, Jill and I got 737 reps
    510 squats 227 push press

    You girls make an awesome team. Thanks!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1 man/woman mod

    AMRAP 15 minutes
    run 1 lap in the gym
    15 reps push press 75/55
    30 squats

    6 rounds + 1 lap - as Rx

    270 reps (pseudo 3 person equivalent = 810)
