Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday - 4August2011

Kekoa Krawl
You will need a partner to do this WOD

3 rounds for time of
Wheelbarrow approximately 35m (in the gym we went from the yellow line on the far side of the gym to the far side of the volleyball net) one partner down then switch people to come back
30 medicine ball situps 12# (link feet and pass the ball between partners on each sit-up.  Both partners do 30 situps even though they only hold the ball 1/2 the time
Run 2 laps with 45# plate.  It doesn't matter how or who carries the weight but both partners must do 2 laps and one 45# plate must be carried with you.  Most groups had one person hold each handle and then run next to each other.


  1. 14:51 My partner was awesome. Way to go Renee.

    Thanks to the gentlemen who joined us today. It was great to have you sweat along with us. Feel free to come again whenever you would like.

  2. Dannie and I came in at 16:39

    My second round wheel barrow really put us behind. She did fan-fricken-tabulous!
