Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Looks like the Kekoa Crossfit Chipper was a huge hit. Thank you to all who contributed.

We will continue creating our own WODS all week.  Be there on time if you want to give input into what we will be doing. Don't worry, they will NOT all be chippers.


  1. I will be there bright and early ;)

  2. Today we did Fight Gone Kekoa
    This workout is modeled after Fight Gone Bad. In the same manner, do 1 min of each exercise then take a 1 min break. Do this for 3 rounds. To clarify this means 5 min of work, 1 of rest, 5 of work 1 of rest 5 of work.

    Lateral jumps over deadlift bar
    Deadlift 135/95#
    Abmat situps
    DB ground to overhead 40/25# (Both arms)
    Push-ups (chest must touch the ground every rep to count)

    Post total reps to comments

  3. You ladies rocked today! Way to be beasts. You are making the guys at the gym look lazy :)

  4. Nice job Nick. You are definitely not lazy. Sorry about my blanket statement about all guys at the gym. :)
