Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14

AMRAP 30min.
400m Run
10 L-pullups
15 Back Extensions with 25/15#
20 Situps with 25/15#

400m Run
10 tuck pullups (strict pullup with knees up), strict pullups or kipping L-pullups
15 Good Mornings with 25/15#
20 Situps with 25/15#

400m Run
10 Strict pullups with a band
15 Good Mornings 15/10#
20 Situps 15/10#

400m Run
10 Strict pullups with a band
15 Good Mornings with the stick
20 Situps


  1. Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
    Run 400 meters
    10 L-Pull-ups
    15 Back Extension with 25 pound plate
    20 Sit-ups with 25 pound plate
    8 rounds plus 200m - I ran the basketball courts and did the rest in the weight room.
