Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Run 1 mile
10 pistols
20 deadlift 225/155#
10 pistols 
20 deadlift 225/155#

Run 1200m (.75 mi)
10 pistols with assistance
20 deadlift 175/115#
10 pistols with assistance
20 deadlift 175/115#

Run 800m (.5 mi)
10 squats
20 deadlift-choose weight
10 squats 
20 deadlift-choose weight

For the really motivated people out there, do 100 double-unders for time immediately following the WOD. 

1 comment:

  1. As Rx- 14:52 immediately into double unders which I finished at 17:30. So 100 DU in 2:38 which is pretty average for me even when I'm fresh. They were actually easier to do when I was tired I just couldn't go for very long. I did all 100 without ever missing a jump but I could only do 20-25 before I was gasping for air and my arms were burning.

    I ran my mile in 8:00.
