Monday, September 3, 2012


3 Rounds
400m run
21 KB Swings 52/35#
12 Pullups

3 Rounds
400m run
21 KB Swings 35/25#
12 Pullups-banded kipping

3 Rounds
400m run
21 KB Swings -choose weight
12 Pullups-jumping

1 comment:

  1. 10:50 Rx

    Jonna 10:32 Rx
    Niki 11:32 Rx
    Renee 12:33 Rx
    Ashley 12:42 Rx
    Jena …

    I'm sure about Jonna's time and then from there it gets sketchy until Jena's I didn't even feel comfortable making a guess. Great job everyone! Those pull-ups are looking better every time we do them :) Please correct me if I am wrong on any of those times.
