Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Snatch one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

This WOD is self scaling….Everyone will do 15 snatches.  You can change the weight between each rep or keep it the same.  In the end, you will post the highest and lowest weights used.


  1. Some of the girls are doing this WOD at 9:00 as usual. I will be late because of an FRG function but should be there by 9:30 to talk through how to do a snatch. Sorry about the inconvenience.

  2. 45-55-65-65-65-70-70-70-75-70-70-75-75-70
    or something pretty similar to that.

    I tried to really focus on dropping to get under the bar. I did pretty well until I hit 75lbs and then for some reason I don't squat at all.

  3. 65-65-65-65-65-65-65-65-65-65-75-75-75-85-85

    The biggest problem for me was going into the squat, but as I did more reps I got better and could add more weight

  4. I started with just the bar at 45lbs and topped out at 75lbs for this one but I have no idea what the order of the weight progressions were....

