Monday, November 5, 2012


7 Rounds
2 Muscle-ups
3 Powercleans 155/105#
4 Deadlift 275/185#

7 Rounds
3 Chest to bar pullups
3 Ring dips
3 Powercleans 135/95#
4 Deadlift 225/155#

7 Rounds
3 Pullups
3 bar dips
3 Powercleans 95/65#
4 Deadlift 185/135#

5 Rounds
3 Banded Strict pullups
3 Dips off bench/box
3 Powercleans-choose weight
4 Deadlift-choose weight

1 comment:

  1. We are focusing on building strength this week. Choose a weight that will be HEAVY for you without hitting failure. This is a chance to push your limits. It may mean you have to do singles. Thats ok!
