Wednesday, November 28, 2012


10 Rounds
100m Sprint
Rest 90 Seconds

6-8 Rounds
100m Sprint
Rest 90 Seconds
Meet at Castle Field (aka Sills Field) today.


  1. So I don't know who ever told me that the field we use is called Sills Field but today I noticed TWO signs naming the field and neither one said Sills. Apparently now I'm going to have to say we are meeting at Castle Field (aka Sills Field, WATTS Field, and Ralston Field). Is there a Sills Field somewhere else on post and I'm just screwing things up? Did the name change? Did someone lie to me?

  2. I personally have never heard of Sills. Watts field...yes and that is directly from the CYSS people when Natalie was playing soccer.
