Saturday, October 27, 2012


Crossfit Games Open 12.3
AMRAP 18 Min
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
12 Pushpress 115/75#
9 Toes to Bar

AMRAP 18 Min
15 Box Jumps 20/18"
12 Pushpress 85/55#
9 Toes to Bar

AMRAP 12 Min
15 Box Jumps-choose height
12 Pushpress-choose weight
9 Hortizontal Toes to Bar

The overall record was 15 rounds by Kristan Clever followed closely by the men's record of 14 rounds + 15 box jumps + 12 push press by Rich Froning. 

1 comment:

  1. 6 Rounds + 5 Pushpress as Rx
    Niki sent the record this morning at 7 rounds +10 push press as Rx
